Exploring Film Technique Gabby Laurencelle

 Bunny :

I really enjoyed this short film. I thought it was a very interesting way to explain how short life is and how a family's bond is really strong. At the beginning of the short film it was really dark but as time went on in the movie it got brighter. I really enjoyed all of the music and how it helped make each scene more dramatic in a sense. By doing these things it helped bring the story to life even though some of the music that was played was eerie. Since there wasn’t any talking in this short film the music really helped to convey what was going on. In the beginning of the film I was a bit confused about what was going on but towards the end it all made sense. The bunny was making a cake and the moth wouldn’t leave her alone. She then puts the moth outside and puts the cake in the oven. The timer then goes off signaling the cake was done. But the oven then opened and there was a bright light and the moth and bunny followed it in. This was an interesting way of saying that the bunny was “going into the light”. Like her life was ending. At the end of the film it showed both moths together at the wedding picture and it kind of brought it all together that the mouth annoying the bunny was her husband. I would say the oven is a symbol of transformation. Like for example when you bake a cake you put it in as batter and it comes out a cake. Then I would also say the timer going off symbolizes that her time in this life was up. 

Harold and Mond : 

I found this movie clip to be very interesting because at first I didn’t really understand what was truly going on until the end of the clip. I thought it was hilarious how Harold was screwing around with that girl making her think that he did something when it was all just a joke per say. He scared his poor date into thinking that he lit himself on fire when he truly didn't. It was all just a joke. I did think they did an amazing job on the camera work. The camera people did a great job angling the shot and really making sure that they caught the moment. Harold did break the fourth role though because he looked at the camera and smiled and then looked back at his mom worried because he was in trouble for what he had just done. There is then this scene where Mond and Harold are in a greenhouse and Mond then goes to say that she “loves to watch things grow”. Then it cuts to a scene of a bunch of different daisies and they all look the same and then the camera gets closer to show that they are not the same. Mond then says that we are all different but we are treated the same. Then it cuts to a scene where it is a bunch of different veterans graves and from a far they look the same but as you get closer they are all different. I think these two examples are a great way of saying how people might seem like they are the same but in fact they are completely different in every way. 

Norfolk : 

At the beginning of this film these people are at a church and a preacher is preaching but there is something very interesting about this specific church. In the background of the preacher it is a beautiful view of all of these mountains. It is said that the mountains are there to represent something that is calm and stable. The camera work does a really good job of showing all of the mountain's beauty and also showing how these people weren’t in an ordinary church. In the film there was also a scene with a bunch of bison and some of them almost got killed. In this specific example it shows how people will kill whatever gets in their way. 

Paris Texas :
I found this movie to be very interesting and it had a lot of different pieces that went along with the telling of the story. At the beginning of the movie it is a direct shot of a man in a desert and he looks very lost. The camera does a really good job of doing close ups and showing where he is. The man then starts to walk and just follows the phone lines until he is back in civilization. He does this because when he had first disappeared he kept walking until there was no civilization and the phone line was some kind of image that he civilization is around. He is doing all of this walking to work through his trauma. Another example would be the mountains. When he had first started walking the mountains were very rough but as he went along they began to get steady as time went on. This exemplifies how it takes time to work through anything. 


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