The Illiad
"The Iliad" by Homer is infused with religious elements and perspectives that offer insights into the beliefs and practices of ancient Greek religion. Here are some ways in which "The Iliad" can be viewed through a religious lens: The role of the gods: In "The Iliad," the Greek gods play a central role in the lives of mortals, intervening in human affairs and influencing the outcome of the Trojan War. The gods are depicted as powerful, capricious beings who possess supernatural abilities and are subject to their own desires and conflicts. For example, Zeus, the king of the gods, wields authority over the other deities and determines the fate of mortals through his divine will. The gods' involvement in the war reflects the ancient Greek belief in a world governed by divine forces, where human actions are subject to the whims of the gods. Rituals and sacrifices: Throughout "The Iliad," characters engage in religious rituals and make offerings ...